Osho movie - aus dem leben von osho entnommen

Nachdem ich eine qualvolle SCHEINLIEBESBEZIEHUNG beendet hatte - füllte ich diese Leere mit einem Urlaub in Indien - bei OSHO ... um meinem Schmerzkörper irgendwie zu kompensieren.

Ich flog also für zwei Wochen nach Indien, um dort einige Erfahrungen zu  machen, die ich irgendwie doch  nicht missen möchte.


Es gibt dort eine Freifläche, wo jeden Tag um 12h alle dort miteinander tanzen - wer will.

(siehe Videos unten - Dancing with Existence)

Ich erinnere mich an solch eine Begegnung dort - auf Technotrance, als ich einer älteren Frau gegenüber in die Augen schaute, die sicher um die 80 Jahre war und mich innigst anstrahlte ...


Am Ende der zwei Wochen lies ich mich in Sanyasin einweihen und wählte meinen Namen selbst.


Nun, die Osho-Bewegung ist m.E. sehr darauf ausgelegt, die linke Gehirnhälfte zu überwinden, um so die EINHEIT und die Vernetzung der rechten Gehirnhälte zu leben. Es war/ist vermutlich eine geistige Gegenkraft zum MINDCONTROLL und zur konditionierten KONSUMGESELLSCHAFT.

Schaut euch einmal den Beitrag unter - Instanterleuchtung - an.


Übrigens, ein Aufenthalt in Pune kann auch sexuelle Enthaltsamkeit beinhalten :-)


Auch das "gibberisch" ist irgendwie eine gute Übung, um unseren konditionierten Verstand außer Kraft zu setzen . . . mal sehen, was ich aus dieser Seite mache . . .


Schaut auch gerne bei Satsang - oder auch bei Inutitive Pädagogik, wo es um :-) ) Spiel geht

Zu Beginn einen Film, den ich sehr sehr mag - in welchem es um eine Osho-Gemeinschaft geht:

Sommer in Orange Komödie 2011

Na ja, das Ende des Filmes lässt auf eine Völkerverständigung hoffen . . .

Prädikat - besonders erfrischend


Am 20.10.2016 veröffentlicht

Eindrücke aus Pune . . .


Remember That Which Was with You before You Were Born


“If you can remember that which is within you, which was with you even before you were born, then you can understand that something will remain even after death. If you think that all that you are came after you were born, death will snatch everything away. If you have at least something of the nature you were born with, which you feel has not been learned during your life, or taken or acquired from life, then there is no reason to be afraid of death. Death cannot snatch away what you have not obtained from life.

“But we are all afraid of death, not because it is frightening, but because there is nothing within us from life that can be saved, that can remain with us after death.

“Death will take away everything that we have gained from life and from others. It may be fame, wealth, knowledge, or character. It may be anything which we have acquired from others, which we have stolen. This kind of stealing is not recognized by the courts. It is subject to the supreme law called religiousness. It is only in the court of existence that this stealing is recognized.

“Do you have anything that you can call original, not obtained from anyone else? If not, you are living a stolen life.

“If you remember just once that you have nothing which you can call your own, a revolution will begin to take place in your life. So don’t start thinking that if you haven’t stolen even a penny from someone else’s house, then you have never stolen anything. That kind of theft has nothing to do with religiousness. We are concerned with a special kind of theft which is beyond the jurisdiction of the law, which cannot be decided by the courts, which is beyond the scope of judges. Religiousness is concerned with a kind of theft which is related to dignity and honor, which is a theft of individuality, of faces – and all of us live with stolen, borrowed faces. In the way we live we are not ourselves, we are someone else.”

Osho, The Art of Living, Talk #9

Osho - Dynamische Meditation

mehr Meditationen - siehe unten

be here and now without any goal

Lebe im Hier und Jetzt ohne jede Erwartung - ohne jedes Ziel

be still and accept whatever comes . . .

Geh in die Stille und akzeptiere alles, was dir begegnet

Uploaded on Jul 2, 2011

OSHO: The Joy of Silence

Osho - 3 Arten von Liebe

siehe auch Liebe

diese vier Videos findet ihr auf Liebe verlinkt

osho - lebe wild und gefährlich

OK, ich lebe auch gewisssermaßen in der Komfortzone - aber ich kann gut verstehen, was diese Botschaft aussagen soll . . . sich dem Fluß des Lebens zu überlassen, um SO unkonditionierte Dinge in dein Leben zu ziehen, um im vollen Umfang die SYNCHRONIZITÄT einzuladen.


Dieses Video soll kein Appell sein, daß du dich hier in Gefahr bringst . . . :-)

Dies, was Osho hier spricht hat ein junger Mann so gelebt - woraus ein sehr erhebender Film wurde, der "Into the wild" heißt - ein atemberaubender Film, der zum Nachdenken Anlaß gibt.

Als ich diesen Film angeschaut hatte, war mir klar, daß ich im Grunde "lebend begraben" bin.


Es gab diesen Film auch in deutsch in You Tube - sucht einmal ....

mehr Meditationen . . .

heart chakra meditation

Osho Kundalini Meditation

Published on Apr 11, 2017

"No copyright infringement intended. All materials used property of their respective owners."


Osho on How to Shake:

"If you are doing the Kundalini Meditation, allow the shaking – don't do it! Stand silently, feel it coming, and when your body starts a little trembling, help it, but don't do it! Enjoy it, feel blissful about it, allow it, receive it, welcome it, but don't will it.

"If you force, it will become an exercise, a bodily physical exercise. Then the shaking will be there, but just on the surface. It will not penetrate you. You will remain solid, stonelike, rocklike within. You will remain the manipulator, the doer, and the body will only be following. The body is not the question, you are the question.

"When I say shake, I mean your solidity, your rocklike being should shake to the very foundations, so it becomes liquid, fluid, melts, flows. And when the rocklike being becomes liquid your body will follow. Then there is no shaker, only shaking; then nobody is doing it, it is simply happening. Then the doer is not.

"Enjoy it, but don't will it. And remember, whenever you will a thing you cannot enjoy it. They are reverse, opposites; they never meet. If you will a thing you cannot enjoy it, if you enjoy it you cannot will it." Osho




Guided Dynamic Meditation

Published on Jan 26, 2017

osho ashram -  rare video of osho - osho dynamic meditation

first stage

second stage

Published on Sep 19, 2016


This meditation is a fast, intense and thorough way to break old, ingrained patterns in the bodymind that keep one imprisoned in the past, and to experience the freedom, the witnessing, silence and peace that are hidden behind these prison walls.

The meditation is meant to be done in the early morning, when as Osho explains it, “the whole of nature becomes alive, the night has gone, the sun is coming up and everything becomes conscious and alert.”

"This is a meditation in which you have to be continuously alert, conscious, aware, whatsoever you do. The first step, breathing; the second step, catharsis; the third step, the mantra, 'Hoo.'
Remain a witness. Don’t get lost. It is easy to get lost. While you are breathing you can forget; you can become one with the breathing so much that you can forget the witness. But then you miss the point. Breathe as fast, as deep as possible, bring your total energy to it, but still remain a witness. Observe what is happening as if you are just a spectator, as if the whole thing is happening to somebody else, as if the whole thing is happening in the body and the consciousness is just centered and looking. This witnessing has to be carried in all the three steps. And when everything stops, and in the fourth step you have become completely inactive, frozen, then this alertness will come to its peak." Osho

The meditation lasts one hour and has five stages. Keep your eyes closed throughout, using a blindfold if necessary. It can be done alone, and can be even more powerful if it is done with others.

First Stage: 10 minutes
Breathing chaotically through the nose, let breathing be intense, deep, fast, without rhythm, with no pattern – and concentrating always on the exhalation. The body will take care of the inhalation. The breath should move deeply into the lungs. Do this as fast and as hard as you possibly can until you literally become the breathing. Use your natural body movements to help you to build up your energy. Feel it building up, but don’t let go during the first stage.

Second Stage: 10 minutes
EXPLODE! … Let go of everything that needs to be thrown out. Follow your body. Give your body freedom to express whatever is there. Go totally mad. Scream, shout, cry, jump, kick, shake, dance, sing, laugh; throw yourself around. Hold nothing back; keep your whole body moving. A little acting often helps to get you started. Never allow your mind to interfere with what is happening. Consciously go mad. Be total.

Third Stage: 10 minutes
With arms raised high above your head, jump up and down shouting the mantra, “Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!” as deeply as possible. Each time you land, on the flats of your feet, let the sound hammer deep into the sex center. Give all you have; exhaust yourself completely.

Fourth Stage: 15 minutes
STOP! Freeze wherever you are, in whatever position you find yourself. Don’t arrange the body in any way. A cough, a movement, anything, will dissipate the energy flow and the effort will be lost. Be a witness to everything that is happening to you.

Fifth Stage: 15 minutes
Celebrate! With music and dance express whatsoever is there. Carry your aliveness with you throughout the day.

If your meditation space prevents you from making noise, you can do this silent alternative: rather than throwing out the sounds, let the catharsis in the second stage take place entirely through bodily movements. In the third stage, the sound Hoo! can be hammered silently inside, and the fifth stage can become an expressive dance.

Download Nadhabramha Meditation Music at below link

About Osho Master explanation on Dynamic Meditation is available at https://youtu.be/C7TEjKE0Vuc

- diese Seite wurde am 8. und 9. Mai 2017 erstellt -